4 Ιαν 2007

International Society fot Theoretical Psychology - καθυστερημένη ανακοίνωση συνεδρίου

Call for Papers for Next ISTP Conference


Date: June 18-22, 2007 Location: York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This conference is the premier opportunity for theoretical psychologists and graduate students interested in theoretical issues in psychology to present, discuss, and reflect on theoretical psychology in a transnational and transdisciplinary context.

The Conference invites contributions to theoretical psychology from all scholarly approaches. Deadline for submissions will be January 20th, 2007.

Generating collaborations with colleagues from allover the world will be encouraged throughout the conference. TheConference invites contributions to theoretical psychology from allscholarly approaches. They include (but are not limited to) activitytheory, anthropological psychology, clinical theory, cognitive science,critical psychology, cultural psychology, developmental theory,epistemology, ethics, evolutionary psychology, feminist psychology,health psychology, hermeneutics, history of psychology, indigenouspsychologies, methodology, phenomenology, philosophical psychology,postcolonial theory, postmodern psychology, psychoanalytic theory,social constructionism, systems theory, theoretical neuroscience, andtheory of psychological practice.

Invited speakers (pending SSHRC funding): Jessica Benjamin, Kurt Danziger, Jeanne Marecek, Isaac Prilleltensky, Robert Wilson.

Wespecifically encourage submissions of symposia (3-5 papers, 1 hour 50minutes) and conversation sessions (55 minutes). The program committeeis open to innovative ways for presenting theoretical material and thusinvites submissions of alternative formats (55 minutes or 1 hour 50minutes) such as interactive symposia, workshops, theoreticalencounters, or performances relating to theoretical issues oftransdisciplinarity and internationalization of psychology. Thosewishing to submit individual papers (20-25 minutes) are asked to submitan abstract of 300 words (maximum) by January 1, 2007. Symposiasubmissions require a 300-word (maximum) abstract outlining the focusof the symposium written by the organizer(s) in addition to 300-word(maximum) abstracts from each of the contributors. The organizer of thesession should collect these from the participants and submit theproposal as one package. Conversation sessions require a 300-word(maximum) abstract written by the organizer(s). Alternative formatsshould be submitted following the rules for a symposium or aconversation session.

Please submit the following information: (a) 1stline: Form of submission (individual paper, symposium, conversationsession, etc.). (b) 2nd line: Family name, first name. Institution,country [first author]. Family name, first name. Institution, country[second author], etc. (c) Next line: Title of paper (or symposium,conversation session, etc.). (d) Next lines: Abstract.

The proposal should be sent preferably as an e-mailattachment in Microsoft Word format to each of the following members ofthe program committee before the deadline of January 15, 2007 (in the“subject” line of the e-mail write: ISTP 2007 submission):

Dr. Thomas Teo, Associate Professor, History & Theory of PsychologyYork University, Department of Psychology 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, M3J 1P3
E-mail: tteo@yorku.ca Phone: 416-736 5115 Fax: 416-736 5814

For more information visit the Conference Web Site.

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