25 Μαΐ 2007

BonkersFest: ένα φεστιβάλ από τρελούς για τρελούς!

BONKERSFEST! Mad doings in Camberwell!
Sat 2nd june

http://www.bonkersf est.com

Mental health arts charity Creative Routes ("run by the mad for the mad") is
once again holding its unique one-day arts and music festival Bonkersfest!
this year on June 2, midday-9pm, on Camberwell Green. The event, which
"celebrates madness, creativity and individuality" , was a huge success last
year, and this year it promises to be even bigger and better, with the very
best in live music, theatre, comedy, dance, samba, performances and a whole
host of highly original art happenings from the mad world and beyond. To help
make the event a success, Creative Routes is looking for a team of volunteers
to help out in any one of many ways: stewarding, programme distribution,
information stall workers and people to help out in the different zones: main
stage, theatre tent, therapies tent, stalls area etc.

If you would like to be a part of this unique event, please get in touch with
Ollie at the Creative Routes office on 0207 3583138 or by email,
ollie@creative- routes.org. It would be very helpful, but not essential, if
people could come to a volunteer induction day this Thursday May 24th at
Camberwell Leisure Centre from 6pm. Please phone to confirm if you can come
to this. Refreshments provided!

Creative Routes
e-mail: info@creative- routes.org
www: http://www.creative -routes.org

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