18 Ιαν 2007

Ντοκυμαντερ για το πείραμα του Stanford

Αντιγράφουμε στα αγγλικά, από τις ειδήσεις του Wired.

The Prison Guard in All of Us

Prison_guard_small_1If you've ever taken a psychology class, you may have heard about the1971 Stanford University's notorious prison experiment that exposed hownormal people can turn cruel under the right (or wrong) circumstances.

As blogger Jake Young puts it:

The experiment randomly assigned male undergraduatestudents to participate in a two week mock prison. They were randomlyassigned to be guards and inmates. However, things went horribly wrong.The guards faced a rebellion by the inmates. One inmate had a psychoticbreak. In essence, the participants began to buy into their assignedsocial roles. [The professor] did nothing to stop this from happening.

Wikipedia has this summary:

The experiment very quickly got out of hand. Prisoners suffered — and accepted — sadistic and humiliating treatment at thehands of the guards, and by the end many showed severe emotionaldisturbance.

The experiment resonates today thanks to the Abu Ghraib scandal and has even become a cultural icon of sorts. Not long ago, the TV show"Veronica Mars" aired its own take on the experiment.

Now, you can see for yourself what happened. A documentary about the experiment,apparently produced by Stanford University, is now available onYouTube. (You can see the segments of the documentary here.)

The documentary appears to have been made in the early to mid-1980s, at least to judge by the clothes that the students are wearing.

And what of Philip Zimbardo, the professor behind this experiment? He's still around and is reportedly writing a book about -- you guessed it -- Abu Ghraib.

Stanford Prison experiment posted on YouTube [Pure Pedantry]

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