22 Μαρ 2007

Πολιτική Συνάντηση στην Ιταλία: Global Project

Make multitude, make autonomy, make worlds
Hacer multitud, construir autonomia, crear mundos

Venice, March 30, 31 and April 1 | 2007

Centro Sociale Rivolta -

Piazzale Carlo Giuliani – Marghera

Three days of meetings and workshops with the aim of collectively building knowledge, thought, and projects within and against Empire.

For info and accomodation:


E-mail: lobalmeeting@globalproject.info

By Globalproject in collaboration with Associazione Ya Basta and Uninomade


  • Friday March 30

From 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Recording of participants

11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Opening

Vilma Mazza - Associazione Ya Basta

Introductions Antonio Negri – Uninomade

Gianmarco de Pieri - TPO - Bologna

Massimo Cervelli - Movimento Antagonista Toscano

Francesco Raparelli - ESC - Roma

Luca Casarini - Centri Sociali Nord Est



3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. “Latin America, lower left: autonomous routs of social movements”

Coordinator: Luis Hernández Navarro – Editor of “La Jornada” – Mexico

Sebastián Scolnik – Situaciones – Argentina

Cesar Altamira - Professor – Argentina

Ricardo Montoya - Activist – Colombia

Jose Heriberto Salas Amac - Fronte del Popolo in Difesa della Terra, Salvator Atenco – Mexico

Marc Villà – Communication operator - Venezuela

Gilvânia Ferreira da Silva – Director of MTS, Maranhao – Brasil

David Alejandro Suarez Changuan – Professor, University of Quito – Ecuador Oscar Olivera - Coordinadora de defensa del Agua y la Vida - Bolivia

9.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m."Asia: subjects and conflicts in the whirl of capitalistic development"

Coordinator: Sandro Mezzadra, Professor, Univerty of Bologna (Italy)

Ranabir Samaddar – Professor, South Asian Forum for Human Rights – India

Wang Hui – Professor, Tsinghua University Beijing – China

Chukki Nanjundaswamy – President of Krrs Organization of agricultures Karnataka – India

Brett Nielson – Professor, University of Technology, Sydney – Australia


  • Saturday, March 31st

9.00 a.m. to 10.30 p.m.“USA: social struggles within neo-con crisis

”Stanley Aronowitz - Distinguished Professor of Sociology, City University of New York – USA

Heather Gautney - Assistant professor of sociology, Towson University, Maryland – USA

Ashanti Alston – Critical Resistance - USA

11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Mediterranean Shores. European borders “Middle East: Can there be a future of rights against war, occupation, apartheid and fundamentalism?”

Coordinator: Michele Giorgio – Journalist

Musthapha Barghouti – Almubadara - Palestine

Yitzhak Laor – Writer - Israel

Alaa Abd El Fattah - Activist and webmaster of www.manalaa.net - Egypt

Uri Gordon – Anarchists against the wall – Israel

“Turkey-Kurdistan: the enlargement of EU. Extension of rights or new form of repression and control?”

Coordinator: Orsola Casagrande – Journalist

Yuksel Genç – Writer and activist – Kurdistan

Ertugrul Kürkçü – Journalist and curator of Bianet – Turkey

From 15.30 p.m.“Europe: the building of a constituent political space for struggle and self-government”

Mobilisations against G8 Summit (June 2007 – Rostock Germany) Delegations from European movements shall attend the meeting.

From 10.00 p.m Assalti Frontali, LaKermés VJ+DJ Fighting Club


  • Sunday, April 1st
From 10 a.m on, all spaces are available for meetings and deepenings.

From 14.00 p.m General meeting

A new alliance against war. Movements between multilateral war and new conflicts for democracy We shall start off from a global reading of the “Italian anomaly”: mobilisations against the new US army base in Vicenza – as well as many other struggles in the name of the commons, the environment and territory, citizenship rights, against detention centres – show the renewed energy of social movements. The real autonomy of such routes puts an end to all kinds of hypocrisy and reopens an attitude of confrontation for all those who do not accept subordinating the development of conflicts to the logics of power and the work of institution.

Coordinator:Luca Casarini – Centri sociali del Nord Est

Participants: Giorgio Cremaschi - FIOM

Fabio Corazzina - Coordinamento Nazionale Pax Christi

Francesco Pavin - Presidio Permanente No dal Molin - Vicenza

Marco Revelli – University Professor

Lele Rizzo - No Tav - Val di Susa

Tommaso Cacciari - Assemblea No Mose - Venice

Paolo Cognini – Comunità Resistenti delle Marche

Enza Amici – Rete NO PAV

Oreste Strano - Comitato Salva Novara

Bruno Palladini - Movimento Antagonista Toscano

Pierpaolo Leonardi - RdB-CUB

Sergio Cararo - Rete Disarmiamoci

Piero Bernocchi - Cobas

Antoni Musella - Laboratorio Insurgencia - Naples

Salvatore Cannavò – mp

Luana Zanella – mp

Mauro Bulgarelli - senator

Gianfranco Bettin – district councillor

Paolo Cacciari - mp

Web-page: www.globalproject.info

E-mail: globalmeeting@globalproject.info


The starting point of our discussion is the fact that the productive, social and political spaces in which we live, move, fight are today immediately global. This is demonstrated by the worldwide organisation of interdependent networks of the exploitation of living labor,as the functioning ofstock markets and financial markets, and the development of communication networks.But this fact is also made clear by a series of events that have been able to speak a language of rebellion and liberation immediately understandable at the four corners of the earth: the Zapatistas insurgency that began in January 1994; the December 1999 Seattle revolt; the days of Genoa in July 2001; the anti-war demonstrations in February 2003; along with the thousands conflicts that have arisen since then.The defeat of an attempted coup d’etat. From unilateralism to "governance"The form of command characterized by US unilateralism, theorised by neo-cons, and incarnated by the Bush administration, which employedthe theory and practice of “preventive war” as its principle instrument, has now come to an end. This was a real coup d’etat within Empire that was defeated by the many forms of resistance blocking its path: from the struggles against neo-liberalism globalisation to the insurrection (sometimes-armed) of populations under attack and military occupation. Though this fact does not mean that the strongest political and military power of the planet is not persisting in its politics of unilateral wars. The escalation in Iraq and the interventions in Africa are just an example. Anyway, today Bush’s strategy appears to be isolated, also by the other world elites.A new form of command is developing around the concept of “governance”. It is a more flexible, articulated sort of command. It is a system of powers and relations that are multilateral and multiples. This new system registers the crisis in Imperial sovereignty’s legitimacy and mechanisms.It therefore plays devices that try to control multitude’s irrepressible desire of freedom. We are not talking of anachronistic illusions of reform. Since today material spaces of mediation are seriously reduced by capitalistic development. Previous cycles’ elements are actually differently rearranged.We are referring to former policies of redeployment, redistribution, repression, compromise and war. Which is today called by the name of international police, of humanitarian intervention and of peacekeeping.Continents, critical zones, territories: from geopolitical spaces of command to laboratories of liberation strugglesMultilateral "governance" is articulated in large regional areas, whose borders are continental. And where old and new economical, political, military powers overlook the Imperial scenario. Europe, Russia, China and India; Northern America and Latin America. Other areas are taken as “zippers”, as fields of fight and partition of resources and powers. We are particularly referring to Middle East, Central Asia and most Africa. Contradictions are open and they propose issues and questions that hold a general meaning and a complex value. Global Meeting’s first aim develops from this frame. And it wishes to collectively draw a cartography of struggles and command.A “picture in existence” does not make us content, though. We bravely believe that we together can try to identify all those characteristics that the various forms of social conflicts globally share. Such features may as well draw a possible horizon of radical transformation and liberation. Since any moment resistance spreads out against new and old powers, it itself holds, in embryonic or unfolded forms, relation building practices that are “other” from existent.Some of us call this “rupture” or “constituent exodus”. Others prefer Zapatistas’ “otra campaña”. Which is the nexus that tightens the refusal of exploitation and the right armies have to resist up to the experiencing of local self-government. Indomitable autonomy of multitude’s struggles is affirmed against political and institutional dimension, which keeps trying to bring them back to sovereignty. And cooperation of equals grows large in networks. A new project of absolute and radical democracy can emerge from this space. From researching the new forms of multitude’s organisation, inside and against the system of “governance” imperial command.This perspective cannot live through formulas that summaries general politics. This is today out of time. It should and must find precise real routes of struggle and organisation. We therefore propose open confrontation.Global Meeting could be a place where participants elaborate shared proposals. We, for instance, think of next G8 summit that is to take place in Germany next June. What initiatives can we think of? We could also discuss about the building of a net that studies social and political compositions of migrants’ multitudes in Europe and at its borders…We ourselves would like to start discussing on these and other proposals with the contribution of you all.

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